Monday, May 9, 2011

my father's daugther

I'm a Gwyneth Paltrow fan and a GOOP follower. I really do enjoy reading her newsletters and her tidbits on places to eat, things to see and just simple everyday advice. She's super talented, and I'm almost certain that she a fantastic wife/mother and she remind me of a younger version of Martha Stewart. Plus the girl can sing! And now she can add book author/cook to her never ending resume. Her book, My Father's Daugther is going on my want list. Her dinner parties must be spectacular (I'm just sayin') :).

image via goop

Did you all enjoy your weekend. We (family and I) went to the lake for a bbq, it was beautiful and so peaceful as there was no one there. I guess everyone goes out to eat on Mother's Day. Anyways I came home to watch The Voice, which I am totally addicted to right now...and ended the day watching 500 Days of Summer. I must be the only person who haven't seen it yet but my sister insisted that I watch it because she figured it was my kind of movie. I have to say that I did enjoy it a lot as it felt realistic.